Video Shares Our Story
Can a 90-second video capture the McKendree experience? Watch it at or on the University’s Facebook page and see for yourself. Join the hundreds who have “liked,” “shared” or commented
about the video since its release in September.
Julianna Swanson ’14:
Watching this video not only gave me goosebumps, it also made me tear up. This was done amazingly!
Caitlin Schlueter ’15:
I don’t think anything could capture what life is like here at McKendree better than this video. It’s great!
Taylor Rossi ’17:
To my senior in high school friends: this is why I chose McK and also why you should. To my friends in community college looking to transfer: watch this, then transfer here. To my family that are wondering if I’m doing OK here: watch this and let it remove all doubt. To my McK family: Thank you for making this message true.
Tom Kupferer Jr. ’03:
ABSOLUTELY In LOVE with my Alma Mater, McKendree University!! Check out #McK’s newest admissions video. #McKendree was the first stop off away from home on this long journey in life. I learned a lot about what I was “made of ” and learned how to make my dreams come true. The friends and mentors I made at McKendree, 15 years ago, have become life-long connections. I am who I am, because of my time at McKendree.