Civic Engagement
McKendree University has a long history and commitment to civic engagement and service
learning. In unison with the University’s strategic plan, we seek not only to provide
an excellent academic experience but also to offer a wide variety of intellectual
opportunities beyond the classroom by developing a forum for presentations and discussions
about current issues and events.
We have participated in the U.S. Department of Education’s President’s Interfaith
and Community Service Campus Challenge to bring awareness and diversity to the campus.
A campus Social Justice and Equity Committee was established in 2014 to continue our broader efforts to promote knowledge
and understanding among all members of the McKendree community about issues of diversity,
inclusion, social justice and equality. We have participated in National Voter Registration Day, held numerous voter registration drives and have actively celebrated Constitution
Day with voter registration and fun activities for students.
McKendree recently joined the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. We are committed to improving democratic engagement, increasing student voter participation
rates, and graduating students with a lifelong commitment to being informed and active
citizens. Through our “Bearcats Vote” campaign we held several civic engagement activities
last Fall.
Student Awards