Holman Library complies with the United States Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17, U.S.
Code). The Copyright Act offers copyright holders legal protection of their entitlement
to the reproduction and distribution of copyrighted material and governs the making
of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
The law has established certain limitations on the exclusive rights of the copyright
holder and affords libraries and archives the authorization to make photocopies or
other reproductions of copyrighted material within the bounds that the law specifies.
Legal reproduction of copyrighted works dictates that the material is used solely
for personal use and for the following endeavors: “criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching, scholarship, and research.”
If an individual uses copyrighted material for any other purpose, or further reproduces
and/or distributes material beyond the bounds of what is considered “fair use” that
individual may be liable for copyright infringement. The same limitations apply to
copyright-protected material when that material exists in electronic format.