Officer Profiles
Phi Kappa Phi's "Let the Love of Learning Rule Humanity" meets McKendree's "Promote
Academic Engagement and Lifelong Learning."
Dr. Tami Eggleston
McKendree Chapter President, 2004-2009
When did you first become a member of Phi Kappa Phi?
I was inducted into PKP as a graduate student in 1993 at Iowa State University.
What duties do you perform in your capacity as officer?
I served as McKendree University’s Chapter 292 President from 2004-2009 and was a
Charter Member of our Chapter. During this time I worked with all of the officers
to establish our tapping, the spring induction ceremony, and the PKP Student Success
Seminars in the fall about graduate school. As the past president I assist the current
officers. I also continue to promote PKP on campus. In addition, I have served on
various committees at the national level and attended a national PKP convention.
What is your favorite yearly event in the life of McKendree’s Phi Kappa Phi Chapter
I truly enjoy the tapping day where we enter the classrooms and invite inductees to
join PKP. I enjoy seeing the students being surprised and happy about being recognized
for their academic achievements.
Why do you believe Phi Kappa Phi is an important part of academic life at McKendree
The mission of McKendree University is to provide a high quality educational experience
to outstanding students. PKP honors those students who are academically excellent.
Dr. Alan Alewine
McKendree Chapter President, 2009-2011
When did you first become a member of Phi Kappa Phi?
2004: I was a charter member.
What duties did you perform in your capacity as officer?
I oversaw the Emerging Scholar Award, Tapping Days, and the PKP Initiation Ceremony.
I worked closely with the other chapter officers to promote the scholarly ideals of
Phi Kappa Phi on McKendree’s campus.
What is your favorite yearly event in the life of McKendree’s Phi Kappa Phi Chapter
Tapping Days! The students usually are quite surprised to be chosen for inclusion.
Why do you believe Phi Kappa Phi is an important part of academic life at McKendree
The invitation to join Phi Kappa Phi is McKendree’s ultimate recognition of scholastic
achievement for students.
Dr. Ann Collins
McKendree Current Chapter President
When did you first become a member of Phi Kappa Phi?
I became a member of Phi Kappa Phi in April 1995, as a graduate student (getting an
M.A. in History) at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
What duties do you perform in your capacity as officer?
As president of Chapter 292, I participate in tapping days, our initiation ceremony,
and in overseeing student applications for national fellowships. I have also traveled
to Louisville, Kentucky, for the last two years to participate in our Kentucky center's
Honors Day ceremonies.
What is your favorite yearly event in the life of McKendree’s Phi Kappa Phi Chapter
My favorite events are tapping days and our initiation ceremony.
Why do you believe Phi Kappa Phi is an important part of academic life at McKendree
Phi Kappa Phi fulfills all aspects of McKendree's mission, especially promoting academic
excellence and lifelong learning.
Dr. Nichole DeWall
McKendree Chapter President Elect
When did you first become a member of Phi Kappa Phi?
I first became a member of Phi Kappa Phi when I was completing my Ph.D. at Northeastern
University in Boston. That was in 2008. I have since transferred my membership to
McKendree’s chapter.
What duties do you perform in your capacity as officer?
As President Elect, I oversee the student applications for fellowships, help coordinate
chapter book study groups, and participate in tapping and induction days.
What is your favorite yearly event in the life of McKendree’s Phi Kappa Phi Chapter
I believe the induction ceremony is a very special event. This year, we were excited
to have McKendree Professor of Biology Dr. Robb Van Putte speak at the induction.
He added another level of sophistication and inspiration to the ceremony!
Why do you believe Phi Kappa Phi is an important part of academic life at McKendree
Having Phi Kappa Phi as part of our community is a recognition of how highly we value
academic achievement here at McKendree.