Home | Student Life | Campus Activities Office | Student Homecoming | Homecoming Ticket Registration
Please complete all information requested below to register for Homecoming tickets. Cost of tickets is $5.00 each before October 1 ($10 after). Persons using this form must pay for and pick up their tickets before Thursday, October 4, 2012.
Name: *
First Last
Student ID Number: *
(If you don’t know it, you can find it by going to Self-Service.)
Contact Email: *
(We will send a confirmation email once we’ve received your form and have determined that spots are available.)
Contact Number: *
### - ### - ####
Number of tickets at $15 each: *
Number of Tickets 1 2
Guest Name: *
N/A if not applicable.
Payment Method:
Credit/Debit Card (Business Office)
Cash/Check (pay in CAB Office)
Amount Due:
If paying by debit or credit card, you must go to the Business Office to pay. To pick up your tickets, you must bring your Business Office receipt and Student ID to the CAB Office.