Chloe Thies '18

Photo of Chloe Thies '18


  • Senior biology major from Willisville, Illinois

  • President of Inter Greek Council

  • McKendree Honors Program

  • Member of Sigma Zeta National Math and Science Honor Society, Sigma Sigma Sigma National Sorority, Alpha Psi Omega National Theatre Honor Society, and National Society of Leadership and Success

  • Performed in seven McKendree theatre productions

  • Participated in the Jamaica Spring Break service trip

  • Traveled to Japan for the 2016 Technos trip

  • Internship with Illinois State Police Missing Persons Unit

  • Student ambassador, New Student Orientation leader, and UNI 101 peer mentor

by Stephanie (Coartney) Dulaney '10

She’s a biology major, stage actress, Greek Life organizer, honors student, world traveler, and aspiring crime scene investigator. For senior Chloe Thiess ’18, there are no limits to the range of interests that makes you who you are. Instead, she has learned that trying new things is just about discovering passions you didn’t know you had.

When Chloe first arrived at McKendree, she knew biology was the field for her, but she was also curious about the campus’ wide array of opportunities to get involved in other areas. Her University 101 instructor, Director of Theatre Productions Michelle Magnussen, saw beyond Chloe’s talents in the sciences and encouraged her to give the performing arts a try.

Quotation Graphic"I’m lucky to be at a university that allows me to explore every one of my interests, some even for the first time."

“I always planned on majoring in biology, but I never considered theatre in college. Seven shows later, I’d say I’m hooked! It’s so much fun to push yourself to become someone completely different in rehearsal,” Chloe said.

Not only did Chloe tap into her artistic side, but she also found one of her greatest passions in McKendree Greek Life. During her first semester, she joined the sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma as a way to make friends and connect with others. It soon became so much more. “McKendree Greek Life is very different from the norm, giving us a great opportunity to set standards for ourselves based in unity and respect,” she said.

Quotation Graphic"I’ve been able to lead, follow, travel, and network with people across the country. I’ve gained experiences and lifelong connections that will aid me personally and professionally. There’s not much I wouldn’t do for Sigma Sigma Sigma and its members."

Chloe says her biggest accomplishments in her last four years at McKendree were being elected president of the Inter Greek Council, organizing collaborative events that helped reignite the spirit of Greek Life on campus, and traveling to Japan in the 2016 Technos trip. This semester, she landed an impressive internship with the Illinois State Police Missing Persons Unit. She plans to use her hands-on experience there to help her decide whether to pursue the police side or forensics side of a career in crime scene investigation.

All in all, Chloe is thankful for an unforgettable McKendree experience that gave her the chance to explore, connect, and learn so much about herself. She advises incoming students to “really give McK your all that first semester! Join a group or two, go to a CAB event, watch a football or hockey game, and really just use the campus to the fullest. I have, and that’s why I’ve gotten to do so much!”

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