Current Members
The following supporters became members or renewed their membership to the William McKendree Society this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Winterrowd
Mrs. Wilma E. Kennedy
Tanaka Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Metzger
Mrs. Patricia A. Gundlach
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Macaluso
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Funkhouser
Mrs. William Ford
Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Woody L. Derickson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Cornell
The complete roster of members of William McKendree Society is published in the Honor
Roll of Donors included in the annual President’s Report.
For more information about the William McKendree Society, please contact the Office
of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations.