Graduate Commencement
April 29, 2020
Good evening, Class of 2020.
I want to thank you for your understanding, perseverance, and patience. You were asked
to end your on-campus college experience early; finish your classes away from the
campus and many of your friends; and absorb the disappointment of our inability to
hold Commencement as originally planned on May 9th, with your families and friends present.
As soon-to-be McKendree alumni, you represent a long legacy of students who are well
educated, strong, and resilient. We know all of those things will continue to be tested
in the weeks ahead. The ongoing COVID pandemic continues to make future planning
difficult, at best. However, we remain committed to celebrating your accomplishments.
To make good on a promise I made to you last month, as we were just learning about
the coronavirus and the effects it would have on our lives, I am pleased to announce
that we have determined the very best opportunity to celebrate the Class of 2020 will
be to gather on Friday, May 7th, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. on the front lawn. We believe this future date will allow you
and your families time to plan to return to campus to celebrate your accomplishments
in a way that most closely resembles how your Commencement ceremony was intended.
Commencement for Class of 2020 graduate students will be held on Saturday, May 8th, 2021, at 2:00 p.m., where you will be joined by the Class of 2021 in a joint ceremony
on the front lawn.
Commencement for the Classes of 2020 and 2021 at our Radcliff, Kentucky, campus will
be held on June 10th, 2021.
I know that waiting until next year may not what you hoped to hear. However, we believe
it provides the very best opportunity for the public health threat to subside and
for graduates and families to sufficiently plan for a return to campus to celebrate
with you. The university will mail diplomas upon competition of degree requirements,
so that you may start your careers and update your résumés.
As you finish the semester remotely, I want to leave you with these thoughts. The
McKendree University faculty and staff are very proud of you and we encourage you
to finish your classes strong! Remember that you are Bearcats and you can do anything
you put your mind to. And know that we will be waiting to welcome you and your families
back to campus in May of 2021 to have a wonderful celebration with you!
My very best to you all. Be well, Bearcats!
Daniel C. Dobbins ’81
McKendree University