2022 McKendree University Honor Choir

Honor Choir Banner

January 14 and 15, 2022

McKendree University - Hettenhausen Center for the Arts

- Open to all high school and community college singers -

- Students must be nominated by their director to attend -


Directors: Click Here for the Nomination Form Due to rise in COVID-19 cases, this event has been cancelled

**Please make sure students nominated are available for both days and are interested in attending**


Cost: $30 per student - Includes lunch Saturday, event t-shirt, and sheet music 


Schedule (subject to change):

Friday, January 14

6:15pm - Arrive/Registration

6:30pm - Introductions/Warmups

6:45-7:30pm Rehearsal #1

7:30-7:45pm Break

8:00-8:30pm Rehearsal #1

8:30pm Dismissal


Saturday, January 15

9:45am - Arrive

10:00am-12:00pm - Rehearsal #1

12:00pm-1:30pm - Lunch (provided)

1:30-2:30pm - Rehearsal #2

2:30-2:45pm - Break

2:45-3:30pm - Dress Rehearsal

3:30-4:00pm - Change into concert attire

4:00pm - Concert - Open to the public




For more information, please contact Dr. John McDonald - jtmcdonald@mckendree.edu