National Geographic Live


Spinosaurus: Lost Giant of the CretaceousNat Geo Live! logo

Nizar Ibrahim

Spinosaurus: Lost Giant of the Cretaceous

Thursday, March 3, 2022 @ 7:30 p.m.


Spinosaurus was nearly lost to science before Nizar Ibrahim, a remarkable young paleontologist, discovered this prehistoric giant. With amazing video recreating the lost world of the Cretaceous-era Sahara, Ibrahim tells the story of Spinosaurus’ discovery, loss, and rediscovery, and explain what—other than its size—makes this ancient monster unique.

Generously supported by The George E. McCammon Memorial Endowment


$15 per speaker; $40 to see all four speakers

McKendree University Faculty, Staff and Students FREE


Tickets on Sale - August 23 at Noon button Distinguished Speaker Series button




The Secret Life of BearsNat Geo Live! logo

Rae Wynn-Grant

The Secret Life of Bears

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 @ 7:30 p.m.

Carnivore Ecologist

Rae Wynn-Grant has dedicated her life to ecological research and conservation. As a scientist with National Geographic Society’s Last Wild Places Initiative, she works to protect and restore iconic wildlife populations, including North American black and grizzly bears. But when the wild lands of their habitat are crisscrossed by roads, fences, and ranches, how can bears and humans coexist peacefully? Dr. Wynn-Grant intends to find the answer.

Generously supported by The George E. McCammon Memorial Endowment


$15 per speaker; $40 to see all four speakers

McKendree University Faculty, Staff and Students FREE


Tickets on Sale - August 23 at Noon button Distinguished Speaker Series button