Nichole DeWall, Ph.D.

Photo of Nichole DeWall, Ph.D.Professor of English

Director, Honors Program                                          

Provost Fellow                                                                 

Carnegie Hall 211     

(618) 537-6495                                                                                                                       


Ph.D., English, Northeastern University (2008)

M.A., English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2001)

B.A., English, St. Olaf College (2000)                                                                       






DeWall, Nichole. “‘So these Lines may reach to future times’: Pandemic Teaching with John Davies’ Triumph of DEATH.” Teaching with Primary Sources, 16 March 2022, . Accessed 10 January 2023.


DeWall, Nichole. “The Plague in Romeo and Juliet: “The Day Is Hot”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short

Articles, Notes and Reviews 34.4, 2021. 5-7.


DeWall, Nichole. “A Skull, a Screen, and a Quarantine: Teaching Shakespeare During the Pandemic.” The

Teaching Professor. 15 Mar. 2021. Rpt. in Remote Teaching and Learning: Reflections and Practical Advice, Ed. Jon Crylen, 2021. 39-42.


DeWall, Nichole. “Shakespeare advice to writers? Use the pandemic (sometimes).” Bookanista, 22 Mar.

2021, Accessed 23 Mar. 2021.


DeWall, Nichole. “I, William Shakespeare, Also Went Through a Pandemic.” McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, 26

May 2021, Accessed 17 January 2023.


DeWall, Nichole. “Lucha libre and Shakespeare: A Novel Approach.” Bridging the Gap? Digital Media in

the Humanities Classroom. Special issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities. Ed. Cameron McFarlane and Kristin Lucas. Spring, 2020. 14-17.


DeWall, Nichole. Review of This Is Shakespeare, by Emma Smith. English: Journal of the English

Association, vol. 69, no. 263 (Dec. 2019). 


DeWall, Nichole. “The Anxiety of Influence: Laurence Olivier’s Hamlet and Kenneth Branagh’s A

Midwinter’s Tale.” Cinematic Codes Review 2.1 (2017): 44-60.


DeWall, Nichole. “Into the Archives: Using EEBO in the Early Modern Literature Classroom.”

Digital Technology & the Literature Classroom. Ed. Tim Hetland. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin’s, 2017.


DeWall, Nichole. “‘Let’s go hand in hand’: Roman Comedy and The Comedy of Errors.” The

Ashgate Research Companion to Shakespeare and Classical Literature. Ed. Sean Keilen and Nick Moschovakis. Abington, UK: Taylor and Francis, 2017. 279-83.


DeWall, Nichole. “Millennials by Heart: Memorization as Active Learning Strategy for the

Sparknotes Generation.” Motivating Millennials. Spec. issue of Journal of Excellence in College Teaching 27.4 (2017): 77-91.


DeWall, Nichole. “Anxiety in the Text: Ideology, Feminism, and Erotic Triangles in

Shakespeare’s The Two Noble Kinsmen.” Reading Queer in Literature, Film, and Culture. Spec. issue of The Apollonian: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2:2 (2016): 135-53.


DeWall, Nichole. “‘Love Bade Me Enter’: George Herbert’s Eucharistic Poetry.” Pennsylvania Literary

Journal. 8:3 (2016): 68-73.


DeWall, Nichole. “‘Like a shadow, / I’ll ever dwell’: The Jailer’s Daughter as Ariadne in The

Two Noble Kinsmen.” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 46: 1 (2013): 15-26.


DeWall, Nichole. “Into the Woods: Dead Poets Society and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Verse, Voice, and Vision: Poetry and the Cinema. Ed. Marlisa Santos. New York: Scarecrow, 2013.


DeWall, Nichole. “‘Sweet recreation barr’d’: The Case for Playgoing in Plague-time.”

Representing the Plague in Early Modern England. Ed. Rebecca Totaro and Ernest Gilman. New York: Routledge, 2012.


DeWall, Nichole. Program Notes. McKendree University Theater Department’s Love’s Labour’s Lost.

November, 2009.

