Katherine Alford, Ph.D.

Photo of Dr. Katie AlfordAssistant Professor of Education

Office: Piper Academic Center (PAC) 205

Phone: (618) 537-6953



Ph.D., English Education, Arizona State University (2019)

M.A., Literacy, Technology, and Professional Writing and Editing, Northern Arizona University (2009)

B.A., English and Secondary Education, University of Northern Colorado (2005)


Teaching Interests

Teaching Methods

Reading & Writing in the Content Areas

Multicultural Education



Alford, K. (2021) Teaching listening as a form of empathy building. Voices from the Middle, 29(1) 36-39. (forthcoming: September, 2021)

Alford, K. & Jensen, A. (2021) "Cultivating dialogic reflections to foster and sustain preservice teachers’ professional identities," Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 10(1).

Alford, K. (2020) Explicitly teaching listening in the ELA curriculum: Why and how. English Journal, 109(5) 22-29. Winner of the 2020 Edwin M. Hopkins Best Article Award.

Alford, K. (2020). Not quite the end of the world: Two student teachers grappling with COVID-19. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 9(1).
Alford, K. (2019) The rise of infographics: And why teachers and teacher educators should take heed. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 7(1) 158-175.
Alford, K., & Early, J. (2017). Take time to write!: A teacher’s story of writing within a community of teacher writers. English Leadership Quarterly, 40(2), 2-5. Winner of the 2018 English Leadership Quarterly Best Article Award.



Edwin M. Hopkins Best Article of the Year (2020) in English Journal

Best Article of the Year (2018) in English Leadership Quarterly 

Arizona State University Graduate and Professional Student Association Teaching Excellence Award

Benedictine University- Mesa, AZ International Interdisciplinary Conference Identity Negotiations, Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation Award

Organizations & Memberships

LRA- Literacy Research Association (since 2018)

ELATE- English Language Arts Teacher Educators (since 2015)

ELATE Graduate Strand Editorial Board Member (2018-19)

National Writing Project Teaching Consultant (since 2015) 

Co-Director of the Central Arizona Writing Project (2016-2017)

NCTE- National Council for the teachers of English (since 2005)

Philanthropic Education Organization (P.E.O) (since 2002)